Forensic Science Degrees in Texas

texas forensic science

Forensic Science

Forensic science combines science and investigation in order to aid and support  the prosecution or defense in criminal and civil investigations. While the profession has been widely romanticized by various TV shows, make no mistake – this job is most likely different that you expect.  In contrast with popular perception, this is a highly scientific role, which often involves detailed, painstaking work. Field duties are limited to a few areas of expertise, and most often than not a forensic scientist will spend his time in the lab.

If you made it this far, though, congratulations! You’re taking the first steps in joining a very rewarding profession and itsGOV is here to guide you through what you need to know and what you need to do to join a forensic science program in Texas.

Students in Texas seeking a solid career option may want to look at forensics. The strong predicted growth for the forensic science technician career in the state of Texas (31%), coupled with the advertised job placement rates for graduates of some colleges in the state (as high as 90%) make Texas an attractive option for students considering a forensics education. Available programs range from certificate and associate degree programs at community colleges like Grayson County College to bachelor’s and master’s degree programs at large state schools like Sam Houston State University and Texas A&M.

Forensic Science Requirements in Texas

According to Texas Tracer Labor Market Information, between 2010 and 2020 an estimated 340 new jobs for forensic science technicians will become available statewide. Because of the vastness of Texas, many forensic science and crime laboratories are located throughout the state. Some of these are affiliated directly with law enforcement agencies, while others are privately owned organizations. Fields within forensic science include forensic biology, forensic chemistry, toxicology, evidence processing and photography/videography. Forensic science jobs in Texas require those who have the necessary college education in these specialized fields.

Job titles for those with forensic science degrees in Texas include:

  • Senior trace analyst
  • Forensic photographer
  • Latent fingerprint examiner
  • Senior firearms examiner
  • Forensic biologist
  • Criminalist

Forensic Science Training in Texas

Most forensic science jobs in Texas need a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, but some technical and technician positions may be obtainable with an associate’s degree. The Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC) of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences accredits the highest quality college programs.

Forensic science education in Texas includes these degrees:

  • Certificate in Forensics
  • Associate of Science in Forensic Science
  • Associate of Science in Criminology and Forensic Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science-Criminal Justice
  • Bachelor of Science in Forensic Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Science in Digital Forensics Technology
  • Master of Science in Forensic Science
  • Master of Science in Forensic Genetics

Often, those who achieve their dreams of a forensic science career in Texas require additional training or continuing education in order to keep or advance in those jobs. Training that is provided for professional forensic scientists in Texas includes:

  • University of North Texas Center for Human Identification Online Training Courses – Created by RTI International, these courses are free and include:
    • Developing a Missing Persons Protocol
    • Forensic Anthropology
    • CODIS for Missing Persons
    • Investigative Strategies
    • Cold Case Safety Net
  • Texas Forensic Science Training and Consulting – This privately owned company provides consulting and training for forensic scientists in prosecutors’ offices and law enforcement agencies in Texas. Topics include:
    • Latent print development
    • Death investigation
    • Crime scene photography
    • AFIS and IAFIS
    • Forensic light source in the laboratory
    • Basic and advanced bloodstain pattern analysis


Forensic Science Salary in Texas

Texas is a very promising state for finding employment as a forensic science technician.  It had the third highest level of employment of any state in the country in 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).  In particular, the Houston area had the ninth highest level of employment of any metropolitan area in the U.S.

The Texas Workforce Commission projects the rate of job growth to be 31.2% in the period from 2010 than 2020.  This is a much higher rate of growth than in most states.  In others states, the positions available for forensic science technicians are generally due to the replacement of scientists who have left the workforce.  In Texas, 44% of the new positions projected to become available each year are due to the creation of new jobs.

The BLS indicated that the average salary of a forensic science technician in Texas was $46,100 a year in 2012.  Those in the top tenth of their field earned $69,550.  They also provide salary information for a number of metropolitan areas in Texas. The Texas Department of Public Safety employs a number of forensic scientists.  Level I to III forensic scientist positions paid from $41,416 to $75,517 a year in 2013.  These scientists specialize in particular types of forensic science.  Positions were available for those with expertise in firearms, forensic breath alcohol, and firearms.  In Houston, a crime lab criminalist made from $33,358 to $68,900 annually in 2013.

Forensic Science Schools and Colleges in Texas

Bachelor’s Degree

University Saint Edward’s University, Forensic Science B.S.
Duration 4 years
Type Full time, Part time
Tuition and fees $27,468 per year
Program link

The Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science at St. Edward’s University goes beyond the crime scene investigations depicted on television and in movies. Our Forensic Science program includes diverse coursework that prepares students to assist in casework using practical scientific application to criminal cases. Students can now choose between two degrees. Students who prefer to focus on laboratory-based jobs such as DNA analysis, drug analysis and toxicology should choose the Laboratory Emphasis. (This emphasis also has coursework to prepare for medical school for those interested in pathology/medical examiner professions.) Students who intend to pursue careers with an emphasis in crime scene, latent prints, firearms or who want to work as investigators/detectives should choose the Field Emphasis. The core modules are:

• Introduction to Forensic Science
• Crime Scenes Investigation I/Lab
• Crime Scenes Investigation II/Lab
• Death Investigations
• Principles of Science and Law
• Professional Practica in Forensic Science
• History and Philosophy of Science
• Senior Internship or Research Seminar
• Molecular Biology
• General Chemistry/Lab
• Analytical Chemistry/Lab
• Organic Chemistry/Lab
• University Physics I/Lab
• University Physics II/Lab
• Applied Statistics

The BS in Forensic Science with a Field Emphasis balances the study of science and criminal justice. This combination prepares forensic science majors for careers in law enforcement or criminal justice.

With a BS in Forensic Science (Field Emphasis), graduates are eligible for entry-level positions as crime scene technicians or fingerprint technicians, or they may pursue advanced degrees in general forensic science or other specialized fields. Our graduates have found rewarding careers with the Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Laboratory, the Travis County Medical Examiner’s Office, the Austin Police Department, and other jobs relating to science and the law.

Close interaction with forensic science faculty at St. Edward’s — and time spent in classes, labs, advising sessions and departmental events — allows you to learn more about career options.

University University of Houston Downtown, Forensic Chemistry B.S.
Duration 4 years
Type Full time, Part time
Tuition and fees $27,468 per year
Program link

The Forensic Sciences degree program at the University of Houston-Downtown provides a broad-based curriculum in the liberal arts and the Natural Sciences. This degree is particularly appropriate for students interested in working in criminal justice laboratories, legal and paralegal firms, as well as graduate studies in chemistry, forensic science, anthropology or archaeology. Some of the courses included in this area are organic chemistry, physical chemistry, quantitative analysis and biochemistry.

The courses specified for this degree are consistent with those suggested by the Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society for a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with a special focus on forensic science. Students are required to participate in an appropriate field experience or research activity as part of their curriculum to satisfy graduation requirements for this degree. The core modules are:

  • General Ecology Laboratory
  • Advanced Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology Laboratory
  • Evolution of the Earth and its Inhabitants
  • Histology
  • Animal Behavior
  • Biochemistry Laboratory
  • Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Petrology
  • Inorganic Geochemistry
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Virology
  • Immunology
  • Medical Microbiology Laboratory
  • Thermal Physical Properties of Materials

There are many career options to choose from in the field of forensic science. Forensic scientist may gather and document or analyze physical evidence using science and problem solving methods involving complex techniques and instruments. Many work in laboratories, offices, morgues, classrooms or at crime scenes, while others work out in the field. The University of Houston-Downtown is a comprehensive four-year university offering bachelor’s and selected master’s degree programs and providing strong academic and career preparation as well as life-long learning opportunities. Located in the heart of the city, the University reflects the diversity of the Greater Houston Area, and through its academic programs, engages with the community to address the needs and advance the development of the region. UHD is an inclusive community dedicated to integrating teaching, service and scholarly research to develop students’ talents and prepare them for success in a dynamic global society.


University Lamar University, Forensic Chemistry B.S.
Duration 4 years
Type Full time, Part time
Tuition and fees $30,210 per year
Program link

As a comprehensive university granting bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees, Lamar University continues to enhance its instructional, service, and research missions.  Lamar’s growth has produced an economic impact that exceeds $200 million annually and, even more influential, is the impact of more than 71,000 Lamar University graduates.

A board of nine regents, appointed by the Governor and approved by the State Senate for terms of six years, governs The Texas State University System.  The Board of Regents delegates the direction of university affairs to the university presidents, campus administrative officers, and faculty.  Current members of the TSUS Board of Regents are listed on the TSUS website.

Lamar University is organized into six colleges.  The Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, Education and Human Development, Engineering, and Fine Arts and Communication are each headed by a dean.  Within each college are academic departments and programs, with each department being headed by a department chair.  The College of Graduates Studies provides support services to enhance graduate education by recruiting, admitting, and enrolling qualified students and assuring degree requirements are met. The core modules are:

  • General Ecology Laboratory
  • Advanced Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology Laboratory
  • Evolution of the Earth and its Inhabitants
  • Histology
  • Animal Behavior
  • Biochemistry Laboratory
  • Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Petrology
  • Inorganic Geochemistry
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Virology
  • Immunology
  • Medical Microbiology Laboratory
  • Thermal Physical Properties of Materials

Freshmen and sophomores with fewer than 60 credit hours are advised in the Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC). The UAC supports the mission of Lamar University by enhancing student development and success through exemplary service, collaboration, and support in academic advising. The UAC facilitates student success and engagement by advising, enrolling, tracking, and referring students to faculty, departments, support services, and activities. The UAC proactively assesses and responds to student needs as professional advisors meet multiple times each semester to formulate the appropriate plan for student success toward degree completion.

University St. Mary’s University, Forensic Science B.S.
Duration 4 years
Type Full time, Part time
Tuition and fees $26,560 per year
Program link

One of St. Mary’s University’s newest majors, Forensic Science is an exciting field and one of the country’s fastest growing job markets. It relies on the physical and behavioral sciences for investigating and solving crimes and examining physical trace evidence. The St. Mary’s program integrates biological science, social science and professional preparation so students are uniquely prepared for this cutting-edge area of study.

The Forensic Science major encompasses classes from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Science, Engineering and Technology. The core modules are:

  • Police Role in Crime and Delinquency
  • International Justice Systems
  • Topics in Criminal Justice
  • Law and Society
  • Criminology
  • Interviewing Techniques
  • Computer Technology in Criminal Investigation
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • Forensic Science in Criminology
  • Forensic Victimology
  • Internship in Forensic Science

St. Mary’s newest major, forensic science is an exciting field and one of the country’s fastest growing job markets. Solving crime requires knowledge of biological, physiological, social and individual factors. St. Mary’s program integrates biological science, social science and professional preparation so students are uniquely prepared for this cutting edge career path.

Forensic science is the application of science to the law. It relies on the physical and behavioral sciences for investigating and solving crimes and examining physical trace evidence.The School’s forensic science degree with a criminology option emphasizes the integration of academic preparation and real world problem solving with a focus on ethical and professional commitment.

Master’s Programs

University Prairie View A&M University Juvenile Forensic Psychology M.S.
Duration 4 years
Type Full time, Part time
Tuition and fees $13,787 per year
Program link

Juvenile Forensic Psychology is the application of psychological insights, concepts, and skills to the understanding of adolescents in the juvenile justice system. Students in the Master of Science in Juvenile Forensic Psychology Program (MSJFP) at Prairie View A & M University will study psychological theories, methods of assessment, and different treatment modalities related to child and adolescent psychopathology. Additionally, students will gain insight into the developmental stages of children and adolescents and possible factors that may contribute to delinquent behaviors at each stage. The student will gain knowledge of varied counseling techniques, assisting children in various settings, and dealing with “at-risk” children at home, school, and in the community. The core modules are:

  • Violence and Aggression
  • Psychology and Treatment of the Juvenile Offender
  • Behavior Modification and Learning Theory
  • Group Dynamics and Group Treatment
  • Treatment and Prevention of Childhood Psychopathology
  • Introduction to Neuropsychology
  • Social Psychology and the Legal System
  • Psychology Seminar in Selected Topics
  • Clinical Interviewing
  • Substance Abuse
  • Domestic and Family Violence
  • Conflict Mediation/Resolution
  • Counseling
  • Ethics
  • Foundations of Juvenile Justice
  • Theories of Delinquency

Experienced and licensed psychologists in externship settings will supervise students. Students will assist in the assessment, management, and treatment of clients. Training will include clinical interviewing and conducting psychological tests. A minimum of 450 hours of field work training is required, supplemented by weekly supervision with a faculty advisor.A maximum of six (6) credits of psychology-related graduate coursework may be transferred from other accredited universities. A minimum of “B” is required in any such courses. The transferred class must be equivalent to a course not previously taken, from the list of courses offered in the MSJFP degree program. When the application package for the MSJFP program is complete, the Graduate Committee will meet to consider admission. The committee submits recommendations for admission to the program to the Psychology Department Head, Dean of the College of Juvenile Justice & Psychology, and the Graduate School. The applicant will be notified of the final decision by the Graduate Coordinator.

University Sam Houston State University,  Forensic Science M.S.
Duration 4 years
Type Full time, Part time
Tuition and fees $16,604 per year
Program link

The Master of Science in Forensic Science program is accredited by the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC) and provides a rigorous core curriculum with a multi-discipline approach. This unique and interdisciplinary program was the first of its kind in Texas, and allows students the flexibility to tailor their degree to specific needs and goals.

Graduate level topics include forensic biology, forensic toxicology, controlled substance analysis, trace evidence and microscopy, instrumental analysis, crime scene investigation, pattern evidence, law and forensic science, ethics, and quality assurance. These core topics are complemented with advanced coursework and laboratory instruction.

The program maintains strong ties with accredited forensic laboratories in both the private and public sectors. Students are required to complete an internship in a forensic laboratory, complete an independent research project, and demonstrate good oral and written skills that will prepare them for future success in both the laboratory and in the courtroom. The core modules are:

  • Forensic Instrumental Analysis
  • Trace Evidence and Microscopic Analysis
  • Controlled Substance Analysis
  • Pattern and Physical Evidence Concepts
  • Quality Assurance in Forensic Science
  • Forensic Biology
  • Forensic Toxicology
  • Forensic Science Internship
  • Forensic Science Capstone Course
  • Law and Forensic Sciences

The Master of Science in Forensic Science program requires the completion of 44 graduate semester hours of core and forensic science coursework that can be completed in two years. The program is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities essential to forensic science. This unique and interdisciplinary program was the first of its kind in Texas. Graduate level topics include forensic biology, forensic toxicology, controlled substance analysis, trace evidence and microscopy, instrumental analysis, crime scene investigation, pattern evidence, law and forensic science, ethics, and quality assurance. These core topics are complemented with advanced coursework and laboratory instruction. The program maintains strong ties with accredited forensic laboratories in both the private and public sectors. Students are required to complete an internship in a forensic laboratory, complete an independent research project, and demonstrate good oral and written skills that will prepare them for future success in both the laboratory and in the courtroom. Those seeking careers in this field should be aware that background checks similar to those required for law enforcement officers are likely to be a condition of employment. Drug testing, history of drug use, criminal background checks and other factors may be considered for employment or internship placements.

University Texas Tech University,  Forensic Science M.S.
Duration 4 years
Type Full time, Part time
Tuition and fees $10,000 per year
Program link

The Master of Science in Forensic Science degree program emphasizes extensive learning in the scientific and laboratory skills necessary for application in a modern forensic laboratory. The program offers concentration focuses in areas of forensic investigation and includes exposure to the breadth of forensic disciplines, including the principles, practices, and contexts of science as they relate to specialized forensic topics.

Students from various undergraduate backgrounds may pursue either of two tracks within the program: the forensic Scientist track or the forensic Examiner track. The program offers both theoretical and practical coursework and is designed to allow students to emphasize areas of special interest such as toxicology, DNA, crime scene investigation, computer forensics, and trace evidence.

Students in the Scientist track must take at least 21 hours from the core curriculum, including a statistics, research methods, and law course of their choice. Students in the Examiner track must take at least 15 hours from the core curriculum, including a statistics, research methods, and law course of their choice. The remaining coursework requirements for each track are satisfied by selections from a broad list of approved electives. Students are required to complete a comprehensive component made up of one of the following: thesis, report, internship, portfolio, or a comprehensive exam that is either written or oral or combination of the two.

The non-thesis option is a total of 39 credit hours of graduate-level work while the thesis option is a minimum of 24 hours of graduate coursework plus 6 hours of thesis (6000). The core modules are:

  • Serial Crimes
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • Analytical Toxicology
  • Techniques in Biotechnology
  • Statistics
  • Research Methods
  • Law

Following the first 9 credit hours of graduate study, each student’s curriculum will be formalized through consultation with a graduate faculty member and will reflect the student’s area of emphasis. This degree plan will be approved by the program coordinator and the Senior Director of the Institute for Forensic Science before being submitted to the Graduate School. When approved, it will serve as a tool for advising and reviewing to assure completion of degree requirements.

Applicants will be considered for admission to the forensic science program after the following materials are received: three letters of recommendation from persons knowledgeable of the student’s professional abilities and career aspirations, a letter of intent, and resume. The program accepts students in the fall and spring semesters. Summer applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Prior to admission consideration, students must complete the appropriate application forms and satisfy all the requirements of the university. Once that process is completed, program admission and competitive scholarship awards are based on the following three general categories of criteria: academic record, test scores and individual profile.


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