Forensic Science Degrees & Schools in the United States

Forensic Science Schools and Degree Programs by State in the US

Career in Forensic Science

Forensic science is preoccupied with resolving civil disputes, justly enforcing criminal laws and government regulations, and protecting public health. A keen mind and the ability to pay attention to details are a must for anyone seeking to embark in a forensic science career. All other requirements can be made through study and practice. Naturally, to become a forensic scientist, be it a forensic pathologist, anthropologist, psychologist or technician, you need to have at least a bachelor’s degrees, but depending on the position you desire you might need to complete a masters or even a doctorate. A forensic science degree may be an ideal choice if you are looking for a career in crime scene investigation, though forensic science degrees are not necessarily required for such roles.

The schools and programs we’ve listed above will help you find the right education you need to join a forensic science career.

Employment in Forensic Science

In 2010, there were 13,000 people employed as forensic scientists in the United States. Employment is expected to rise as fast as the average until 2020.  Most forensic scientists work primarily for state and local governments in police departments, morgues, crime laboratories and coroner offices.

As for earnings, forensic scientists earned a median hourly wage of $25.41 and a median annual salary of $52,840 in 2012.